Totally Bulls*it News

Oh Cool, I’m Blogging About Politics Again. Can Anyone Remember Why?

A long time ago, in a country that feels a million miles away now, I started this stupid little website because as I was...

Ignorant Voter Chides Jewish Man For Using Word Coined to Describe Poor Jewish Neighborhoods

The word ghetto was coined to describe Jewish neighborhoods in squalor; but not everyone knows that, obviously.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #370

A count of Obama's Gun Confiscation to date.

POLL: Majority Relieved to Find Out Future President’s Dong is Okay

Donald Trump thankfully cleared up any misconceptions about his penis in the last GOP debate.

Mitt Romney Volunteers to Replace Trump and ‘Lose One for the Team’

Can Mitt Romney stop Donald Trump and lose the election instead?

Republican Explains Why His Taxes Rising 2% Under Sanders is Worth a Trump Apocalypse

One Trump supporter explains why he can't afford two more cents per dollar.

Engineers Prepare to Power Down Marco-D2

Republican android Marco Rubio is in his power down sequence.

Billionaire Pats Money Pile Gently, Reading Super Tuesday Results

Super Tuesday's results gave one billionaire reason to cheer.

Republican Voter Rethinking Trump Support ‘Since He Don’t Even Know Who the Klan Is’

This guy isn't sure he should vote for Trump if he doesn't know who the KKK is.