Totally Bulls*it News

Oh Cool, I’m Blogging About Politics Again. Can Anyone Remember Why?

A long time ago, in a country that feels a million miles away now, I started this stupid little website because as I was...

South Carolina Republicans Propose New State Miscarriage Investigation Unit

The GOP in South Carolina has proposed a new agency to help enforce their abortion ban.

NC Trans Man To Sue State For Invasion of Privacy

One transgender man in North Carolina has had it with HB2.

You’ll Never Guess Which Former President Just Endorsed Donald Trump!

A famous former president has endorsed Donald Trump.

Stanford Rape Judge’s New Sentencing Guideline: ’20 Minutes Or Less, And You’re Free!’

SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA -- When Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky gave Brock...

Donald Trump Says His ‘Guys’ Will Find Ark of The Covenant and Holy Grail In First 100 Days

Donald Trump lays out his vision for the first hundred days of his administration.

Trump University To Open Law School, No Mexicans or Muslims Allowed

Embattled Trump University to open a new wing in its school.

Chamber of Commerce: Sales of White Sheets Up 72%

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce announces huge spikes in surprising goods and services.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #382

Is your freedom blaster part of Obama's Gun Confiscation count this week?