Totally Bulls*it News

Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity and politics don't mix." Jesus Hubert Christ is not a fan of Project...

Hipster Nazi Really Looking Forward To What President-Elect Trump Can ‘Cook Up’

The alt-right/American Nazis really love President-Elect Trump.

Man Starts GoFundMe To Pay For Islamic-Americans’ Concealed Carry Permits

A new GoFundMe has been started to help Muslim Americans.

Trump Hires Totally Normal, Not Racist Man For His Administration

Donald Trump makes a frankly shocking hiring decision for his new administration.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #406

Did Obummer's mandatory gun confiscation unit come to your berg this week?

Christian Man Refuses To Put Quarter In Homeless Man’s Starbucks “Holiday” Cup

A Starbucks holiday cup puts a kibosh on one man's charitable spirit.

Trump, Paul Ryan Met To Discuss Most Economical Flavors of Cat Food For Social Security Recipients

Paul Ryan meets with President elect Trump to discuss Social Security's future.

Trump Names Burning Cross, White Hood His Top Advisers

The Trump Administration is making more hirings.