Totally Bulls*it News

Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity and politics don't mix." Jesus Hubert Christ is not a fan of Project...

Report: Tensions In Trump Call With Australia’s PM Were Result Of Language Barrier

The White House is now saying there was a very reasonable explanation for the tension between Trump and the prime minister of Australia.

Trump Signs Order Giving All Who Fell In Bowling Green Massacre Double Purple Hearts

The Bowling Green Massacre is forever burned in every good, clean, God-loving, ammo hoarding, conspiracy believing patriot's brain.

Nation Wakes Up On Groundhog Day, Reliving Same Nightmare From The Day Before

A nation wakes up on Groundhog Day and finds that indeed, its long national nightmare is just beginning.

‘But Who Will Think Of The Broken Windows,’ Pearl Clutching Neoliberal Shouts While Watching UC Berkeley Riot

A riot at UC Berkeley has one middle-aged neoliberal man very concerned...for material property.

Daily American Greatness Tracker – Day 12

You might think that "Make America Great Again" is just meaningless pabulum and not worth your time, but American Greatness can be measured.

Saruman Worried Because He Hasn’t Heard From His Contact In The Trump Administration Since Last Week

The white wizard of Isengard is getting antsy. He can't seem to find his contact within the Trump Administration.

Trump Declares February “All Months Matter” Month

Reports are that Black History Month will be renamed something completely different and "more inclusive" under a Trump presidency.

Daily American Greatness Tracker – Day 11

Think you can't ever really tell how much greater America has been made under President Trump? Think again!

Congressional Democrats Quietly Building Coalition To Impeach President Bannon

Are President Steve Bannon's days numbered? Some Democrats and even some Republicans are rumored to be working on that very thing.

Daily American Greatness Tracker – Day 10

If you're looking for a daily tracking of American Greatness, you've come to the right space on the Internet-tube thingamajig.