Totally Bulls*it News

She Told Her Boyfriend She’s Keeping Her Vote Secret Until He Finds Her Clit

Regular readers will recall that one of the things we pride ourselves on most here is our ability to secure interviews with the nation's...

Twitter Chooses Nuclear War Over Comedian James Schlarmann

San Francisco, CA -- For the 4th time in the past...

Putin Revokes Brennan’s Security Clearance

MOSCOW, RUSSIA -- Former CIA Director John Brennan has been stripped...

Obama Can’t Guarantee He Never Heard N-Word

SECRET SHARIA BUNKER, SOMEWHERE IN KENYA -- Deep within his specially...

Asshole Really Wants To Give You His Asshole Opinion

FARDING BEUTH HOLE, WISCONSIN -- Kevin Rickerdellia is a straight-up asshole,...

Trump Says Mexico Will Pay For His Wall By Funding His New Space Force

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- While there has been much buzz and speculation...

Hillary Clinton Circling Omarosa’s Building Shouting, ‘Lock Her Up!’

At the time of publication, eyewitnesses are reporting that former Secretary...

Putin Wants to Compare Tapes With Omarosa

MOSCOW, RUSSIA -- There is at least one person who runs...

Americans Prepare To Launch Their Affordable Healthcare, Universal Education Into Space

All over the country, Americans are talking about President Donald Trump's...