Totally Bulls*it News

Oh Cool, I’m Blogging About Politics Again. Can Anyone Remember Why?

A long time ago, in a country that feels a million miles away now, I started this stupid little website because as I was...

Weather Channel Adding Local Mass Shooting Forecasts to U.S. Broadcasts

ATLANTA, GEORGIA -- The Weather Channel announced late this week that...

Jim Acosta is Opening a No-Impact Kung Fu Dojo

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Just a couple of days after finding himself...

Huckabee Sanders Says Next Time Jim Acosta Should Just Grab Intern By The Pussy

WASHINGTON, D.C. --  White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, just...

Jeff Sessions Can Finally Unwind, Smoke a Doob, and Forget About Persecuting Brown People Awhile

GREEN FIELD SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA -- Just after former Attorney General Jeff...

Trump Wants His New Space Force’s Guns To Go “PEW PEW!”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump reportedly surprised even his own...

Trump Demands Paul Ryan Institute Electoral College Rules For 2018 Midterm Results

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump, having taken in the whole...

Trump Administration Orders EPA Study On Effects Of Electrolytes On Plant Life

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Trump Administration ordered the Environmental Protection Agency...

Fox News: Trump Wins 600 Races Nationwide as Write-In Candidate

Washington D.C. -- The Fox News channel is reporting that President...

Putin Acknowledges Midterms Are Referendum On His First Term

MOSCOW, RUSSIA -- As Americans headed to the polls to cast...