Totally Bulls*it News

I Tried the New McMoron Combo Meal. 0/10

By no means would I call myself a "gourmet." Maybe a "gourmand," but I'm not really even sure about that. Whatever the label you...

President Assures Public Fighting Coronavirus Won’t Keep Him From Trying to Suck His Own Dick

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- When President Donald Trump took to the podium...

Parents Wonder When Kids Will Finally Thank Them for Gift of a Fleeting, Worthless Existence

HOBOKEN, NEVADA -- Chad and Beverly Thompson just want to see...

Rep. Kevin McCarthy: “The Democrats Are Playing Politics With Corporate CEO Bonuses Hanging in the Balance”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Trump's Sphincter) lashed...

Screeching, Racist Broom Handle In A Blonde Wig Will Fill In While Tomi Lahren is on Self-Qurantine

LA CULERA RUBIA ARRUGADA, CALIFORNIA -- Fox News has announced that...

Doctors Treating Rand Paul’s Coronavirus With Bootstraps, Thoughts, and Prayers

BOWLING GREEN, CUNTUCKY -- This weekend, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kremlin) became...

Conservative Still Searching for the Word “Capitalism” in Constitution

LAKE BOOTRIEMEN, MICHIGAN -- For the last 25 years, Jack Mincer...

Eric Trump Asks His Dad If They Can Start a Charity For COVID-19 Patients

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- During his weekly "catch up" call...