Radical Leftist Nails Kickflip, Supports Medicare for All

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LOS AMIGOS ISQUERDOS, CALIFORNIA — 22-year old Matt Robin is a radical leftist. At least that’s what fans of his skateboarding career think. That’s because Matt rides “switchfoot,” which means he kicks off with his left foot as opposed to his right, and they think he’s radical because of how good he is at the sport of skateboarding.

Robin, in fact, has a line of skate decks and apparel called “Radical Leftist,” and he embraces the nickname. Today, Matt did an Instagram Live video for his fans, and was asked to do a kickflip during it. Ever the showman as much as a sportsman, Robin obliged with glee.

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“You bet I can do a kickflip for you all right now,” Matt said. “Talk about a radical idea! Let’s do that kick flip!”

Robin set his phone in a position where its camera could see enough of his street behind him, and he gave himself enough room to get up to speed. Matt kicked off and he and his board were moving forward, toward the camera. At just the right moment, Robin attempted the kickflip and absolutely nailed it.

“Man that felt good! Thanks for asking me to do that. Always fun to bust out a kickflip,” Matt said. “I’m really glad I didn’t fall and bust my leg or my arm or something. Of course, if I did, I’d be fine because I can afford decent health insurance, but a lot of people in this country can’t, quite frankly.”

Matt paused and took a sip from his energy drink.

“But you know, not everybody’s so lucky as I am. Millions of Americans don’t have any health insurance, and can’t afford to see a doctor when they’re sick,” Matt said. “That’s why I support Medicare For All. Dozens of other countries have a version of it. It’s 2021. People shouldn’t go broke because they get sick. That’s dumb, fam.”

You can catch Matt and the pro skater circuit when it resumes touring after the pandemic.

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Writer/comedian James Schlarmann is the founder of The Political Garbage Chute and his work has been featured on The Huffington Post. You can follow James on Facebook, Spotify, and Instagram, but not Twitter because Twitter is a cesspool.

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