Poll: Majority of Americans Think Trump is “The Worst, From the Standpoint of Being President”

A poll released Tuesday seems to indicate that the majority of Americans don’t hold President Donald Trump in very high regard, and don’t give him very high marks, when it comes to “being president.”

Conducted by We Poll You So Hard and ABC News, the poll surveyed over 1,500 Americans, regardless of party affiliation, or whether they will likely vote in the upcoming midterms or even in 2020. The poll used both landlines and cell phones to contact respondents. The poll also only asked one, simple question.

“Who is the worst, from the standpoint of being president?”

Interestingly, the results of this poll track quite closely with the Gallup presidential approval rating. Currently, Gallup’s poll shows that roughly 56% of the country disapprove of the job Mr. Trump is doing in office. Trump’s Gallup approval rating hasn’t ever ticked up higher than 45%, briefly, this past summer. We Poll You’s survey found that 60% of Americans named Donald Trump as the worst, in terms of presidents.

“It was a pretty conclusive poll, but interestingly enough, Trump was also named in a couple of other one question polls we did last week,” Dr. Jim Gimmelton, We Poll You’s chief data scientist, told reporters. “For instance, Trump was also named the worst, from the standpoint of being human, as well as the worst, from the standpoint of being a bloated orange wannabe tyrant, and the worst from the standpoint of being an entitled, arrogant, buffoonish, and cartoonish moron.”

Checking his notes, Dr. Gimmtelton found one more poll that Trump came out the top answer to.

“Who is the worst, from the standpoint of being a gasseous bag of farts that used to be a reality-TV attention whore and somehow ended up the most powerful man in the world, just to own the libs,” Gimmelton explained. “That one was nearly unanimous.”

The White House called this poll “fake,” which it is, but so are Ivanka’s orgasms and Trump’s legitimacy, so…


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