Yearly Archives: 2019

Is Your Rascal Scooter Fully Charged In Preparation for a Second Civil War?

The President of the United States was the subject of an...

President Retweets Klan Poll Showing 100% Impeachment Disapproval

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The President of the United States has found...

Ivanka Admits to Being White House Thistle Blower

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Despite the best efforts of The Failing New York...

Exclusive Report: Is the President a Complete and Total Moron?

While the attention of most of the media outlets in America...

Is Your Rascal Scooter Fully Charged In Preparation for a Second Civil War?

The President of the United States is currently the subject of...

President Wants Pizza Delivery Driver Who Forgot His Cheese and Peppers Arrested for Treason

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The most powerful alleged billionaire and white collar...

Idiot Uses Twitter to Whine and Rant Like a Big, Dumb Idiot All Weekend Long

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A big, dumb, stupid idiot took to his...

President Forbids White House Staff to Use Any “I-Words”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Earlier this year, a visibly agitated President Trump...

McConnell: “The President’s Not Above the Law, It Just Doesn’t Apply to Him”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters outside...