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political satire

God Told Me Oklahoma Kids Will Be ‘Stupid as Fuck’ After the Bible is Taught in Schools

"...do they really think it covers me in glory to have a bunch of...

Someone Accidentally Sent Me a Copy of The Biden/Trump Debate Questions

Don't ask me how it happened, but it would appear that someone at CNN...

The Moron League of America Expels Marjorie Greene Over Anti-Vaxxer Comments

The longest-running association of morons has officially expelled a sitting member of Congress, a...

Tucker Carlson Wants to Get One More COVID-19 Vaccine Before He Endorses Them

Fox News host and sentient toilet film Tucker Carlson told his audience last night...

Boebert: “It Would Violate My Hippopotamus Rights to Tell You If I Got the Democrat Hoax Vaccine”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Elected Republicans spent most of 2020 defending, propping up, and cheerleading...

Publishers Worry MAGAs Are Too Illiterate to Buy Trump’s Memoir

Publishers who might normally be champing at the bit to obtain the rights to...

Can You Identify What’s “Communism” and What’s an “Average Social Program in the 21st Century?”

If you've spent any time on social media recently, and if you've expressed an...

Patriotic American Rooting For Socialist Countries to Beat U.S. Women’s Soccer Team

WHISTLING DICK LAKE, FLORIDA -- 34-year-old Marcus Palumbo is a self-described "über patriot," and...

Palm Beach Burger King Cook ‘Wouldn’t Bet’ on Trump Winning in 2024

PALM BEACH, FLORIDUH -- Juan Miguel Vincente, 32, has been working at the Burger...

Fauci Says Rand Paul’s Brain ‘Could Stand to Gain a Little Function’

The war of words and ill-will between one of the country's foremost immunologists and...

Texas Board of Education Eliminates Need to Teach Kids The South Lost

AUSTIN, TEXAS -- The Texas Board of Education, in a narrow, party line vote,...

Scientists Unable to Predict if Ted Cruz Can Evolve Past Booger-Eating Fascist Stage

To say that Ted Cruz's political career is unique would be an understatement, given...

Fauci Asks Rand Paul When He Self-Certified as a Virologist

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- There is no love lost between Dr. Anthony Fauci and Senator...

McCarthy Selects Q-Anon Shaman and MAGA Bomber for January 6th Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After several weeks of anticipation, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Q-CA)...

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God Told Me Oklahoma Kids Will Be ‘Stupid as Fuck’ After the Bible is Taught in Schools

"...do they really think it covers me in glory to have a bunch of...

Someone Accidentally Sent Me a Copy of The Biden/Trump Debate Questions

Don't ask me how it happened, but it would appear that someone at CNN...

Steve Bannon Wants You to Send Him Copies of Obama’s and Hillary’s Books While He’s in Prison

"I aggressively fantasize about both of them in my dreams." After writing about politics for...

Ashley’s Diary, Hunter’s Laptop, Obama’s Birth Certificate, and the Bible: All the Facts I Need

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump 2024 surrogate Dustin Pewpsin....