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Foreign Policy

Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity...

Once I Learned to Read, I Realized The Left Actually Can and Does Meme

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump White House official Dustin...

Republican Explains Why His Taxes Rising 2% Under Sanders is Worth a Trump Apocalypse

One Trump supporter explains why he can't afford two more cents per dollar.

Marco Rubio Admits He Requested Bigger Debate Podium to Hide His War Boner

Marco Rubio asked for a much larger podium for last night's debate for a very personal reason.

Syrian Child Hopes U.S. Carpet Bombs Match His Drapes

One Syrian child hopes the U.S. delivers nice carpet if they start bombing within his home country.

Refugee Happy He Fled Syrian War Zone to Live in American War Zone

The ubiquity of guns in the U.S. has one Syrian refugee feeling quite at home.

Syrian Refugee Wants To Dodge American Bullets For A Change

One Syrian refugee tells us why he wants to move to America.

Inanimate Rock Challenges Scott Walker to Debate on Foreign Policy

One rock feels he could clean Scott Walker's clock in a debate about foreign policy.

Donald Trump Does Press Conference in “F*** Mexicans” Trucker Hat

Donald Trump is about to step his hat game up.

Ted Cruz: Iran Nuclear Deal Is ‘Obama and Kerry Doing Two Holocausts To Israel’

Ted Cruz wanted to one-up and upstage Mike Huckabee after the evangelical former governor compared Obama and Kerry to Nazis.

U.S. Government to Prove Its Moral Supremacy By Murdering a Murderer

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will be put to death by the US government, proving that two wrongs make a right.

Jeb Bush: ‘I Would Have Pulled an Iraq Too Because Stupid Runs In My Family’

Jeb Bush said he'd invade Iraq like his big brother did too, but why?

Jeb Bush Asks Incredible Hulk To Advise His Campaign on ‘Gently Tickling People’

Jeb Bush wasn't done making nonsensical hires when he appointed his brother Dubya as one of his foreign policy advisers.

“My Own Personal Thoughts on the Iran Nuke Deal” by George W. Bush (and Dick Cheney)

An essay on George W. Bush's own personal beliefs on the Iran nuclear deal, co-written by Dick Cheney.

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Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity...

Once I Learned to Read, I Realized The Left Actually Can and Does Meme

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump White House official Dustin...

God Told Me Oklahoma Kids Will Be ‘Stupid as Fuck’ After the Bible is Taught in Schools

"...do they really think it covers me in glory to have a bunch of...

Someone Accidentally Sent Me a Copy of The Biden/Trump Debate Questions

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