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Donald Trump

Steve Bannon Wants You to Send Him Copies of Obama’s and Hillary’s Books While He’s in Prison

"I aggressively fantasize about both of them in my dreams." After writing about politics for...

Ashley’s Diary, Hunter’s Laptop, Obama’s Birth Certificate, and the Bible: All the Facts I Need

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump 2024 surrogate Dustin Pewpsin....

Lindsey Graham Wants to Lindsey Graham to Testify Why Lindsey Graham Was So Anti-Trump in 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senator Lindsey Graham (R-Trump's Sphincter) is unsure that Senator Lindsey Graham...

Santa Asks Trump If He Can Bring Gifts to All The Good Little Boys and Girls in Concentration Camps

NORTH POLE, EARTH -- The San-T-Claus Corporation, a corporate entity responsible for the funding...

TIME Tells Trump He’ll Be Their “Obnoxious, Petty, Self-Aggrandizing Little Bi**ch of the Year” in 2020

This week, the world's most most powerful petty and jealous man in the free...

Country’s Biggest Shit Wants Nationwide Toilet Probe

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The biggest, smelliest, and dumbest fecal-human hybrid in the country wants...

McConnell Promises to Hold Impeachment Trial in Moscow

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said today that "in the interest...

Matt Gaetz Blew a .28 on Breathalyzer Right Before Bringing Up Hunter Biden Driving Under the Influence

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This morning, the House Judiciary Committee debated the two articles of...

TIME Promises Trump They’ll Name Him “Obnoxious, Petty, Self-Aggrandizing Cunt of the Year” in 2020

This morning, the world's most most powerful petty and jealous man in the free...

Sen. Lindsey Graham Told Judiciary Committee Exact Length He’ll Go To Defending President Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing today to discuss the...

White House Demands Democrats Add Pictures to Articles of Impeachment So Trump Understands Them

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The White House released a letter this morning, demanding that the...

Trump: “The IG Report Concludes I Should Be Able To Round-Up and Execute Democrats on 5th Avenue”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Trump was spotted this morning pacing around the driveway of...

Bill Barr: “Non-Whites Who Don’t Own Land Voting Sets a Dangerous Precedent of Self-Governance”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Attorney General William Barr said in a radio interview today that...

White House: Articles of Impeachment Don’t Have Enough Pictures So Trump Can’t Understand Them

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The White House released a letter this morning, demanding that the...

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Steve Bannon Wants You to Send Him Copies of Obama’s and Hillary’s Books While He’s in Prison

"I aggressively fantasize about both of them in my dreams." After writing about politics for...

Ashley’s Diary, Hunter’s Laptop, Obama’s Birth Certificate, and the Bible: All the Facts I Need

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump 2024 surrogate Dustin Pewpsin....

Betrayal? RFK’s Brain Worms Just Endorsed Donald Trump

"Much like how an Evangelical Christian can read the Bible and not know anything...

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Our regular readers will likely recall that part of our mission statement here --...