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Climate Change

Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity...

Once I Learned to Read, I Realized The Left Actually Can and Does Meme

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump White House official Dustin...

Manchin: “If Rubbing Coal on My Balls Isn’t Doing Enough for Climate Change, That’s On You”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After a defeat for his party in Virginia, and with another...

Pat Robertson Blames ‘Hot Men Doing Sexy Times on Each Other’s Fannies’ for California Wildfires

VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA -- Televangelist Pat Robertson has been watching the developments in California...

Gohmert Asks If Earth’s Orbit Can Be Changed If He Gets Out and Pushes

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Over the course of his congressional career, Rep. Louie Gohmert (Q-TX)...

Greene Accuses Biden of ‘Wanting to Force You to Eat Plant-Based Bread’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Conservatives all over America are already extremely paranoid about, and skeptical...

Trump Promises Entire Capital Will Be Converted To Renewable White Power

President-Elect Trump's plan to tackle climate change includes a return to using renewable white power in the nation's capital.

Trump Worried Too Many Solar Panels Means Humans Might ‘Suck Up All the Sunlight’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Presdident Donald Trump today told reporters that "one bigly reason" he...

Local Knuckle Dragging Moron Mocks Girl Ten Times Smarter and Accomplished Than He’ll Ever Be

COLD CAVE HILLS, TENNESSEE -- Right-wing podcaster and singer/writer Jethro Bohiggins defended President Trump...

6 Signs You Have Windmill Cancer

Windmill cancer, or wind cancer as it's also referred to, is a very real,...

Trump Demands Schwarzenegger Help Extinguish Brushfires in ‘His Own Home Country’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Over the years, an undeniable lack of love has been witnessed...

Mouth Breathing, Knuckle Dragging Moron Mocks Girl Ten Times Smarter and Accomplished Than He’ll Ever Be

COLD CAVE HILLS, TENNESSEE -- Right-wing podcaster and singer/writer Jethro Bohiggins defended President Trump...

Trump Wishes Greta Thunberg Would Speak at Third Grade Level So He Could Mock Her Intelligence

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, 16 year old climate activist Greta Thunberg delivered a powerful...

Local Moron Doesn’t Understand Difference Between Climate and Weather

FARTKNOCKER FALLS, IDAHO -- 52 year old Matt Ricci does not believe that climate...

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Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity...

Once I Learned to Read, I Realized The Left Actually Can and Does Meme

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump White House official Dustin...

God Told Me Oklahoma Kids Will Be ‘Stupid as Fuck’ After the Bible is Taught in Schools

"...do they really think it covers me in glory to have a bunch of...

Someone Accidentally Sent Me a Copy of The Biden/Trump Debate Questions

Don't ask me how it happened, but it would appear that someone at CNN...