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President Promises TrumpCare Will Cover ‘Non-Existing Conditions’

WASHINGTON, D.C. --  Though it's still more than a year and a half away, President Donald Trump appears to be already jockeying for position...

President Runs Out of Dipping Sauce and Declares ‘National McNugget McMergency’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sources within the White House are confirming that this morning, at approximately 7:45 am a state of national emergency was declared...

Trump Says Election Security Measures Must Include a Loyalty Pledge

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The 2020 presidential election is still over a year away, but repeatedly Americans have been warned that Russian operatives are already...

President Trump Asks All Intelligence Briefings Include Small Words And Big Pictures

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Trump administration has submitted an official request to Congress, asking that that the president have his daily intelligence briefings modified....

Trump Confident Putin Won’t Lose to Anyone on Democratic Debate Stage

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Speaking to reporters on the south lawn of the White House on his way out to big up a deep fried...

Trump Threatens to Send Statue of Liberty Back Where She Came From

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Statue of Liberty could be packed up and shipped back to France by the time votes are cast in next...

Trump’s Concentration Camps File for Chapter 11

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a largely unsurprising and non-shocking turn of events, the concentration camps currently under management of the Trump administration have filed...

President Trump Declares National Emergency When He Runs Out of Chicken Nugget Dipping Sauce

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sources within the White House are confirming that this morning, at approximately 7:45 am a state of national emergency was declared...

House Republican: Mueller Report ‘Extremely Biased’ Because It Doesn’t Mention Benghazi or Crooked Killary

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) is one of President Donald Trump's strongest congressional allies. Despite watching his party's majority in the House...

Trump Supporter: “My Family Didn’t Come Here from Europe to Let No Immigrants In!”

COLD CAVE HILLS, TENNESSEE -- On the latest edition of his podcast, right-wing YouTube star and alt-right country music sensation Jethro Bohiggins said that...