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President Agrees to Coronavirus Test After Being Assured It Has No Spelling or Math...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Since the start of the global pandemic outbreak of the novel coronavirus, President Donald Trump has tried to assume the posture...

We Interviewed a 2-Month Old Fetus and Got Its Feelings on Abortion

In 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Roe vs. Wade that the Constitution's right to privacy ensures that women have the right...

Trump Issues Executive Order for Dow Jones to Work Like Golf Scores

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As the markets opened today, the Dow Jones Industrial average opened with another plummet of over 1,000 points. This has seen...

President Promises TrumpCare Will ‘Absolutely Cover Non-Existing Conditions’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump appears to be already jockeying for position in the 2020 presidential election season. Over the last few weeks,...

President Trump Asks All Intelligence Briefings Include Small Words And Big Pictures

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Trump administration has submitted an official request to Congress, asking that that the president have his daily intelligence briefings modified....

Trump: Space Force Will Build Space Wall

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- During a radio interview on WKKK-FM, Donald Trump Jr. accidentally let slip that his father, President Donald Trump, is in the...

Bloomberg Will Pay You $10,000 to Stop Thinking He’s Trying to Buy The Presidency

LOST WAGES, NEVADA -- At a campaign stop ahead of the Nevada primary, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg told diners at a...

Bill Barr Is Totally Outraged (Wink, Wink) by Trump’s Inappropriate Tweets (Wink, Wink)

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Attorney General William Barr is, like, really very unnerved (wink, wink) by President Trump's continuous, stream of consciousness tweets (wink, wink),...

Look at This Obsequious, Pudgy Cunt Corrupting Our Justice Department at the Behest of...

The following is a profane op-ed written by some fuck-o who owns this website: Just look at this obsequious, pudgy cunt. He's out there, taking...

President’s Rape Accuser Subpoenas McDonald’s for Trump’s DNA

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Advice columnist E. Jean Carroll is currently locked in a legal dispute with a former President of the United States of...