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Awkward! Donald Trump Jr. Asked His Dad Who He Has to “Blow to Get...

Donald Trump Jr. knows it is completely unfair that his sister Ivanka gets all the good stuff from Daddy being president!

Syrian Child Glad Being Trapped Like a Rat in a Cage Helps Boost Donald...

President Donald Trump has started bombing a country he doesn't want to allow refugees to come into the United States from.

Donald Trump Still Searching For ‘That Perfect Racist Joke’ To Open His Address To...

When he addresses Congress tomorrow, Donald Trump knows he needs a really good zinger to break the ice with.

God To Pat Robertson: “Fuck Donald Trump And Also Fuck You, Pharisee Bitch!”

God has a special message for one of his employees, televangelist Pat Robertson. The message is...not so nice, really.

D.C. Rumor: Donald Trump To Nominate Scott Baio To Supreme Court

For alleged actor Scott Baio, his allegiance to former reality-TV star and current President Donald Trump may pay real dividends soon.

“5 Reasons The Religious Right Loves Donald Trump”

Why would the Religious Right, a pious and moral group, vote for an amoral sleaze bucket like Donald Trump? We found some reasons.

“Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Shortlist”

Believe it or not Donald Trump gets to pick our next Supreme Court Justice, but who will he pick? We've got some ideas here.

“Donald Trump’s 2017 New Year’s Resolutions”

Donald Trump's got the best resolutions. Many people are saying it. They say that Trump's resolutions are the best resolutions.

Donald Trump’s Christmas Shopping List (VIDEO)

When you're Donald Trump, you still need to buy people things for Christmas. But what does he get? This video tries to answer that question.

Donald Trump’s Christmas Wish List (VIDEO)

Looking to get Donald Trump, or any orange-faced fascist in your life something special for Christmas? Look no further than this list.