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Anti-Vaxxer Outraged Friends ‘Listened to Common Sense and Science,’ and Had Their Baby Vaccinated

An anti-vaxxer in California was absolutely devastated when he found out a friend and his wife had their baby girl vaccinated.

Area Klansman ‘Relieved’ He No Longer Has to Choose Between Cruz and Trump

One klansman is super stoked on not having to choose Trump over someone else.

Bearded, Bigoted Attention Whore Gives Ignorant Opinions on Subjects He Doesn’t Understand

A reality-TV star weighs in on HB2, North Carolina's anti-LGBT law.

Cruz, Kasich Agree to Trade-Off Being ‘Sligthly More Palatable Diarrhea Sandwich’ to Trump

Ted Cruz and John Kasich sent a letter to voters over the weekend.

Trump Challenges Cruz and ‘All You Other Greasers’ To Rumble in Park After Dark

Donald Trump has issued a peculiar challenge to Ted Cruz.

Cruz, Rubio Both Claim to Have Finally ‘Out-Asshole’d Trump in Latest Debate

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz argue over who was a bigger a-hole than Donald Trump in the last debate.

Trump: Cruz Stole Iowa ‘You Know, Like Mexicans Do’

Donald Trump said Ted Cruz stole Iowa from him because Cruz is a Mexican, which is wrong, but...

Democratic Voter: Cruz’s Birthplace Doesn’t Matter; His Idiotic Views of the World Do

COLD STONE, NEW HAMPSHIRE -- Cynthia Garrison says she will be "pissed as hell" if her fellow Democrats "become raging birthers" over Senator Ted...

Marco Rubio Admits He Requested Bigger Debate Podium to Hide His War Boner

Marco Rubio asked for a much larger podium for last night's debate for a very personal reason.

After Palin Endorses Trump, Cruz Looks For His Own Moron Endorsement

Sarah Palin's endorsement of Donald Trump is a major setback for Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential aspirations.