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President Donald Trump - search results

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Trump Emails Hacked: Grandma Forwards And Daddy-Daughter Porn Found

Did Trump just have his emails hacked too?

Poll: 94% Of Respondents Wish Trump Could Trade Places With Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan

Most Americans wish Capt. Khan were still here and Trump, not so much.

Donald Trump Promises To ‘Get Obama Outta’ The White House If Elected

Donald Trump makes a yooge promise to his supporters.

Donald Trump To Ask Sarah Palin To Be His VP For The First Half...

Palin told the press she was "super-duper-hardcore-boo-yah excited."

Trump Says He’d Build A Wall Around The Country Of ‘Islam’ And Make ISIS...

"To be honest, I don't even know who the prime menstruator or president of Islam is."