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2003 Republicans Want U.S. Military to Liberate U.S. From 2020 Republicans

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A delegation of elected Republicans from the year 2003 appeared on the steps of the capitol rotunda this morning, demanding that...

Biden Commits to Unveiling Trump Presidential Portrait in Nearby Landfill

Former Vice President Joe Biden announced today that if he wins the election this fall, he will "put petty partisan politics aside" and participate...

Lindsey Graham Doesn’t Think Senate Should Return Until He Can Fit His Mask Over...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) can be counted among the elected Republicans who want to re-open the country's economy up despite the...

55,000 Dead Americans Agree: It’s Important to Recognize How Mean The Press Is To...

As of the time of publication, the United States of America has officially reported 55,564 deaths from the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19, or the...

NY and CA Offer to Buy Kentucky So They Can Stop Bailing It Out...

This week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Moscow) seemed to put the kibosh on any more coronavirus stimulus packages. On the same day that...

Trump Demands Obama’s Long Form Biden Endorsement

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, former President Barack Obama endorsed the presidential campaign of his Vice President, Joe Biden. In a video more than ten...

RBG: “Hey Assholes! I’m Not Immortal, So Which Old White Guy You Trust More...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg issued an urgent press release this morning, a rare and unprecedented event in and of...

Pro-Life Supreme Court Justices Rule ‘Not So Much’ When It Comes to Wisconsin Voters

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a 5-4 decision split down ideological lines, the United States Supreme Court issued an exceedingly rare "Not So Much" ruling...

Country That Can’t Afford Universal Health Care Magically Finds $2 Trillion in Cash Lying...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a stunning and unforeseen turn of events, the United States federal government has seemingly found about $2 trillion laying around...

Rep. Kevin McCarthy: “The Democrats Are Playing Politics With Corporate CEO Bonuses Hanging in...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Trump's Sphincter) lashed out at Senate Democrats just moments ago, accusing them of "playing politics" at...