Yearly Archives: 2020

Trump Condemns Antifa Propaganda Like “Saving Private Ryan,” “Inglourious Basterds,” and “Indiana Jones”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, President Trump continued his administration's all-out blitz...

Alphabet Announces New Porn-Only Web Browser Called “Google Cream”

SWILLY CORN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA -- For years now, millions of users...

Americans Designate MAGA a Terrorist Organization

While the president and his administration have deemed AntiFa -- a...

Trump: “This Book Has Absolutely No Pictures of Titties In It”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, President Donald Trump cited the Insurrection Act...

Selfish Fuck Oppressed by Polite Request to Wear Face Mask in Public

ASSHOLE DOUCHEBAG TOWN, TEXAS -- Scott Scooterson is a self-described "selfish...

White House Had GrubHub Deliver $42,000 in McDonald’s to Trump’s Bunker

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- When President Donald Trump was taken into an...

Trump Thought Secret Service Would Take Him Golfing When He Begged to Be Put in Bunker

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Protests against police brutality have erupted all over...

Adolf Hitler Endorses Labeling AntiFa A ‘Terrorist Organization’

HELL, HELL -- Former German President, and, still pretty much the...

Pat Robertson: “You Will Go To Hell for Loving Baby Yoda and Baby Jesus”

VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA -- Televangelist Pat Robertson has a stern warning...

Is Your Rascal Scooter Fully Charged In Preparation for a Second Civil War?

The President of the United States is currently the subject of...