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Trump Wants Impeachment Witnesses Shipped Off to Border Camps

WASHINGTON, D.C -- President Donald Trump wasted no time at all seeking his retribution on administration officials who testified -- mostly all under subpoena...

Trump Orders Brad Pitt Sent to Gitmo for ‘Treasonous’ Oscars Speech

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald J. Trump has issued an official order to the justice department, demanding that Attorney General William Barr indict actor...

Senate Votes to Lower the Law So It’s Just Beneath Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On a narrow, nearly party line vote, the U.S. Senate voted to officially lower the law of America so that it...

Enormous Rug and 51 Brooms Delivered to Senate Chamber

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sources close to the situation are reporting that an enormous rug and 51 brooms have been delivered to the Senate chamber...

Trump Being Fitted for New Crown After Senate Votes Against Impeachment Witnesses

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A D.C. area Burger King has been put on "high alert" to expect a very special guest for either lunch or...

During Impeachment Q&A Cruz Asks: “Isn’t Trump As Innocent As My Wife Is Ugly?”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The question of whether or not to call additional witnesses during the Senate's impeachment trial of President Donald John Trump won't...

Crate of New Pants Rushed to White House After Schumer Agrees to Call Hunter...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A crate full of brand new suit pants, sweatpants, and dungarees has been rush delivered to the White House this morning,...

Pam Bondi’s Mouth Leaks $25,000 In Trump’s Cash During Impeachment Defense

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Cash totalling $25,000 fell out of former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi's mouth as she made her case for impeaching Hunter...

Barack Obama Narrated Audiobook Version of Explosive New Bolton Memoir

Former Ambassador and Trump national security adviser John Bolton's new book, The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir, may very well have permanently altered...

Bolton Agrees to Give House Democrats Audible Version of His New Book

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Former National Security Adviser John Bolton has agreed to let the House Democrats get an advanced copy of the Audible version...