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Local Knuckle Dragging Moron Mocks Girl Ten Times Smarter and Accomplished Than He’ll Ever...

COLD CAVE HILLS, TENNESSEE -- Right-wing podcaster and singer/writer Jethro Bohiggins defended President Trump today from criticisms that he was unpresidential by mocking or...

Meadows: “How Can You Impeach Trump When Obama Was Black, a Democrat, and President...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Congressman Mark Meadows is part of the Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives, making him one of the most staunchly...

Craven, Gold Digging, Racist Birther Vehemently Defends Meal Ticket Her Husband Barely Acknowledges

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A craven, cynical, gold digging, racist birther took to Twitter yesterday to forcefully defend her meal ticket from a harmless pun,...

Hillary Clinton Offers To Represent President Trump In His Impeachment Trial

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- Former Secretary of State, and winner of the 2016 presidential election if presidential elections were run like literally every...

Can We Bait Notorious Pig Fucker Devin Nunes Into Suing Us Too?

The following was written by the editorial board of this publication. It does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of our publication's ownership...

Gordon Sondland Passed His Bus Driver Exam Just Before Impeachment Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sources close to the situation are reporting that, prior to his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee's impeachment hearing this morning,...

Obama Releases List of States That Have Legally Barred Him From Running Charities

SECRET COMMUNIST SHARIA BUNKER, KENYA -- Former President Barack Hussein Obama has, for the most part, not weighed in on American politics since leaving...

Hillary Clinton Offers To Represent President Trump In His Impeachment Trial

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- Former Secretary of State, and winner of the 2016 presidential election if presidential elections were run like literally every...

Clowns Hold Press Conference and Raid Closed Door Deposition

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A gaggle of drunken, angry clowns held an emotional press conference in the nation's capital last week. After each clown gave...