Home Pew Pew! Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #347

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #347

Total: Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Week #347): Total: Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency):

Total: Caches of Weapons and Ammunition, Seized by President Barack Obama (Week #347):

Total: Caches of Weapons and Ammunition, Seized by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency):

Total: Guns That Sang the National Anthem While Delivering Babies Into the World (Week #347)

Total: Guns That Sang the National Anthem While Delivering Babies Into the World (Entire Presidency)

Total: Guns Used to Successfully Complete a Heart Transplant (Week #347)

Total: Guns Used to Successfully Complete a Heart Transplant (Entire Presidency)

Total: Streets Swept Clean by Guns (Week #347)

Total: Streets Swept Clean by Guns (Entire Presidency)

Total: Number of Americans Who Think Their Government Really Wants to Confiscate Everyone’s Gun

“An embarrassing pant-load.”

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