Home Videos 5 Reasons Jeb vs Hillary Shouldn’t Make You Lose Hope for Humanity...

5 Reasons Jeb vs Hillary Shouldn’t Make You Lose Hope for Humanity (VIDEO)

Oh sure, you’d think that in a country that fought a literal war to break away from the idea of dynastic rule that the idea of getting a choice between two families that have already spent the better part of a couple of decades running things would make us all cringe with horror. And yet, “Jeb v. Hillary 2016” is what the media has already decided will go down, and we’re just not seeing that much backlash to the idea.

Why is that? Americans are lazy for starters, of course. But maybe the reason is also that we’re all panicking too much about the notion of two families holding control of the country for nearly half a lifetime. So we put our heads together and put together this segment for you. “5 Reasons Jeb vs Hillary Shouldn’t Make You Lose Hope for Humanity.”

Watch below:


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